Raw or grilled? CHEESE THE QUEEN with Harissa oil

Raw or baked?

This is one of the most common questions you get when thinking of a recipe with CHEESE THE QUEEN.
Both options are so delicious that we sometimes have a hard time choosing.

If you want to take full advantage of our cashew delicacies and consume them as living food with valuable probiotics for the body, this is definitely the raw version of this recipe. If you're a gourmet lover of different tastes, try the grilled version, mm .. it's extraordinary!

Harissa is known as a spicy sauce or pasta, which is most commonly used in North African cuisine, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco.

We like experimenting and preparing different seasoning mixes for the occasion, the food, the choice of wine and of course the mood.

With this recipe, we'll share one of the varieties of Harissa oil that you can use to pour the CLASSIC version of CHEESE THE QUEEN for an extra dose of pleasure.

Cheese the Queen Classic with Harissa Oil

1/2 red pepper
1 TEASPOON. Red pepper
1 1/2 teaspoon lemon
1 teaspoon agave
1/2 tsp chili
1/2 t of caraway powder
1/2 teaspoon grated ginger
1/4 tsp cilantro
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup olive oil
Mix the ingredients in a high-speed blender. If you prefer a smooth mix, you can strain the oil and use it for other recipes.

Heat a grill pan / coated pan.
Pour the cashew delicacies with Harissa oil and place on the hot surface.
So the spice fragrance is released.

Sauté until it gets a brown crust / about 60-90 seconds / and then turn over to the other side.
If you prefer a crisper taste, you can split CHEESE THE QUEEN CLASSIC into two or three slices and bake them separately.

In the first case, you get a crunchy crust with a softer interior (the probiotics are stored in the middle), and in the second, you have a crisp taste that goes well with the salad.

Serve the food with crackers or craft bread and a good glass of red wine.

We can't wait for you to try yourself.

And don't hesitate to share the results!

Cheese the Queen

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